How to form clothes of the kid

How to form clothes of the kid

If you are going to become a mom in the nearest future or you are already mom of the kid, then you already perhaps thought of a question: what things will be necessary to the little man? What needs to be bought in advance? Often happens and so that the bought things are never useful. And happens and so that once of use, things remain are not demanded. Also it is necessary to take into account that the price of children's things quite rather big. In article it is specified what things and in what quantity it is desirable to have for the kid.

How to pass to artificial feeding

How to pass to artificial feeding

Practically each young mom with fear expects the moment an otnyatiya of the kid from a breast. Because it is not always clear, than now to feed the child and that for it is useful and that is not present. It is easy to pass to artificial feeding if to follow elementary rules on selection and a combination of products.

How to organize breastfeeding

How to organize breastfeeding

Breast milk – the best food for the child. It provides an organism of the baby with all substances, necessary for his health and growth; it contains digestible iron, polyunsaturated fatty acids and some proteins. Advantages of breastfeeding are obvious, and after the birth of the kid mom needs only to adjust this process. In it not to do her without small cunnings and, of course, the patience and experience.

Why the child constantly wakes up

Why the child constantly wakes up

Healthy development of the kid completely depends on his full-fledged dream. Besides, it is the only opportunity for parents to have a rest from the unlucky working day. What needs to be done in order that the sleep of the kid was sound, and he did not wake up each hour?

How to take urine on the analysis from the baby

How to take urine on the analysis from the baby

The general analysis of urine helps to detect various diseases connected with the urinogenital system of the child. Doctors recommend to hand over its one-two once a year even if there are no complaints to the state of health. With babies it is even more relevant as on behavior of the kid it is not always possible to understand that it disturbs him. Besides infections of urinary tract often proceed asymptomatically.