How to understand that at the child teeth are cut

How to understand that at the child teeth are cut

The teething period at kids – one of serious tests for most of parents as this process can bring to the kid a lot of unpleasant feelings. The task of adults is to distinguish in due time signs of emergence of milk teeth from symptoms of the beginning catarrhal disease.

What to do if the child has a severe vomiting

What to do if the child has a severe vomiting

Severe vomiting can be one of symptoms of any disease. In certain cases vomiting can be dangerous and in itself. Parents should remember that severe vomiting is a serious reason for the address to the doctor.

How to carry out a toilet of eyes at the newborn

How to carry out a toilet of eyes at the newborn

It is enough to adult to wash since morning cool water to be vigorous and fresh all day. Newborns need to begin day with washing of the person and care for eyes too, and for this purpose from mom a number of simple actions will be required.

What to do if at the newborn the eye suppurates

What to do if at the newborn the eye suppurates

Eye suppuration at the newborn - quite widespread problem which can frighten inexperienced mom. However in most cases unpleasant symptoms pass within several weeks if to exercise in hygiene of eyes of the kid judgment.

How to give apple in a feeding up

How to give apple in a feeding up

Apples - fruit habitual and available at all seasons of the year. They contain a large amount of vitamins and minerals, so necessary for the growing organism of the kid. Consumption of apples interferes with developing of catarrhal diseases and promotes strengthening of immunity.