Finger-type gymnastics for children

Finger-type gymnastics for children

 Development of the child directly depends on parents. It concerns both physical, and moral qualities. The finger-type gymnastics just unites both of these requirements. And all because brain activity directly depends on fine motor skills. Besides such occupations do not demand a lot of time and efforts, and the playful way will make them cheerful and interesting even for the smallest. We learn about it more.

Respiratory gymnastics at pregnancy: advantage or harm, set of exercises

Respiratory gymnastics at pregnancy: advantage or harm, set of exercises

 Time of incubation of the child is yet not an occasion to throw sport. Simple exercises (respiratory gymnastics for pregnant women) will help women to be prepared for childbirth and just not to get bored at home. It will be told about such exercises in this review.

All about toxicosis

All about toxicosis

Today pregnant women face a toxicosis problem. Toxicosis develops at the pregnant woman, both in the first trimester, and at the end of pregnancy. Let's consider in our article as it is correct to behave the pregnant woman who faced toxicosis.

Whether pregnant women can have camomile tea

Whether pregnant women can have camomile tea

 Using during pregnancy extremely useful tea in many cases from a camomile, future mothers can think of whether there are contraindications to its application. About advantage and possible harm of this drink and also about its recipes the speech will also go further.

Where to find the good logopedist?

Where to find the good logopedist?

Where to find the good logopedist, somebody knows? Various mamsky forums dazzle with similar inquiries. And, really, where? Let's try and we will make the list of all possible options of search of the good expert: