It is insufficiently simple to create the website. Its further advance and visibility in search engines is much more important and completely depends on qualitative content. That content on the website which equally contacts both readers, and search engines can be called effective.
In this article I will state 10 main principles which will help you to create qualitative content and will make your website really successful.
- Principle 1 - Choice of the correct keywords
Search engines identify contents of your website by means of keywords. They are usually very closely connected with search conditions which are entered by users in search engines. Before writing on any subject for the websites or blogs, you will need to conduct a careful research on keywords which are closely connected with a subject necessary to you. You can use a keyword as the tool of the hint of additional keywords in Google AdWords or YandeksVordstat.
- Principle 2 – Legibility
Please, remember that you, first of all, write for your readers, but not for search engines. To you can be difficult to use some of popular keywords in readable form, but you are not able to afford to do the text consisting of some keywords. Though search engines look for by keywords, they wish readers received qualitative content. Thus, you will need to make sure that contents is interesting and adds value for readers.
- Principle 3 – Thematic contents
Make sure that you use keywords, maintaining relevance for your contents. Search engines use a number of methods in order that is able to find contents which was created for the only purpose - to receive good rating. Not only that such contents will become unreadable, but there is a probability that your website will be included in the black list of search engines.
- Principle 4 – Placement and number of keywords
Abuse of keywords the bad idea as your readers will know about your intentions at once. Instead of using keywords during all text, you could use them in the places which were more suitable on sense. In other parts of your article you can use alternative synonyms or phrases, but not keywords.
- Principle 5 - Make short and accurate paragraphs
People hate reading big walls of texts. Besides, pieces of the text, different in the sizes, will make your article boring. Because they will not read your post or article completely, you will spend in vain your time and efforts. Contents will become more clear if the sizes of paragraphs are limited ranging from 4 up to 5 lines.
- Principle 6 - Use markers or numbering
Most of your readers have probably no lot of time, and they are not interested in reading all contents of your article. They, most likely, will prefer to view fluently all paragraphs of the marked list if they are accurate and short. Thus, it would be quite good to use markers or numbering when it is possible.
- Principle 7 - Make subheadings
Subheadings can be very useful in management of the reader and the indication of key points in which he is interested. Besides, you can use keywords as subheadings so the flow of reading is not interrupted.
- Principle 8 – Correct relinking
If you have hyperlinks to any of your other pages, make sure that you can explain relevance of this link. If the page to which you refer has no relation to what you tell in the contents, it very much irritates readers. You can lose the prestige before your readers, and is what it is really difficult to restore.
- Principle 9 - Avoid repetitions
Some authors consider that they should repeat or paraphrase the same information to inform of the thought to readers. Readers are rather clever to understand information from the first. Repetition can irritate them. It is always better to continue to convey information, but not to repeat the same things.
- Principle 10 – Adjust written
If you have no very good skills of text typing, you can make mistakes when writing. Make sure that you correct the articles or messages very carefully before publishing them. It would be quite good, to adjust twice to eliminate all errors.
In addition to all above-stated points you need to make contents interesting to readers. You can interest them more if you write on a subject in which you have a practical experience.