As be in contact to make rating 100

As be in contact to make rating 100

Digital Hits: 83

At the moment on social network "VKontakte" more than 230,000,000 people are registered. Approximately every fourth of them literally lives in network, coming into the account daily. Everyone wants that the rating of the page was the highest. It appears, it is possible to raise it up to 100 literally in 15 minutes.

It is required to you


1. When you only just registered in network, your rating will be 30-35%. This number consists of the filled name, e-mail and the indication of number cellular at registration.

2. To upgrade the rating, load the main photo which will become your avatar. It will add 15% to rating. When loading it is necessary not only to limit the size of a big photo, but also to specify what section of the image to show as a miniature.

3. Click on the page under an avatar the inscription "Edit the Page". Specify those data which you will wish. Some information should be registered, but it is possible to select the option "Show Only to My Friends" or "Show Only to Me". After filling of fields and editing information do not forget to click "Save".

4. Surely specify school and higher education institution at which you studied. It is possible that you are searched for a long time by your schoolmates or fellow students with whom touch by phone is lost. After filling of the most part of fields, your rating considerably will grow up.

5. Upload additional photos on the page. The administration VKontakte strongly recommends to use only original photos, but all of them equally do not undergo any testing. If you want to remain incognito, instead of an avatar and other photos you can images of kittens or flowers. Loading of 3-5 photos will give you another 15% to rating.

6. To rating the filling of information in the Interests tab gives a considerable increase. Specify, than you are engaged and interested what books you read what games you play. On forget to drop a line about yourself. In the field of "Quote" insert the most favourite sayings of different people. Some people quote great philosophers, others – favourite movies.

7. When everything is seemingly filled, and on the counter all the same there are not enough 5 percent, do not despair. Perhaps, you missed some section. Again click "Edit the page" and walk on all bookmarks. Fill the fields which remained empty. But most likely, you just have nobody in friends. Use search to find friends, schoolmates, relatives or just people with similar interests.

8. When reach 100%, the rating strip under an avatar will be gone. You can congratulate yourself, you achieved a goal!

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
