As by means of Facebook to find friends nearby

As by means of Facebook to find friends nearby

The world famous social network Facebook started the new service allowing its users to look for the friends who are nearby. Service function is called Find Friends Nearby and is available both via the web interface, and via applications of the mobile devices Android and IOS.


Function uses the possibilities of geolocation implemented in mobile devices of users for tracking their location. As soon as your friends appear near you, Facebook will send you the notification on it. It is natural that at the same time mobile application at you and at your friends should be activated. Thus, you can simply and can effectively meet your acquaintances, having appeared in the same place. It is very convenient for those who are constantly busy and hardly can select time for communication and meetings with friends. And also for those who adore unexpected meetings.

Besides, the Find Friends Nearby application allows to see also unfamiliar users of Facebook'a which appeared nearby with you. Quite perhaps, it will help to get new friends. For example, will become an occasion to start a conversation with the pleasant girl or will get acquainted with the nice young man. Also, if you just got acquainted with somebody, by means of new service you will be able quickly and effectively to find your new friend in Facebook.


To begin to use new service, log in the account on Facebook and in addition register on the Find Friends Nearby platform. For this purpose on the page of your account consistently select the tabs "Menu", "Applications", "Find Friends", "Other Tools", "Find Friends Nearby". Further become authorized, following hints of a system. Further opening the Find Friends Nearby page, you will always see the users who are nearby.

If your smartphone or the mobile phone has no GPS locator, all of you will be able equally to tell all users the location. In the news feed select the Be noted tab. Select from the appeared list of places where you are. If in the list there is no right place, enter it independently in the Search of Places field. You can complement the tag made thus with the comment. For example, to specify what you do at present. As soon as you tap the Publish button, this information will be seen by all your friends. And you will see your friends who are in the same place or somewhere nearby.


Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
