Web designers use various effects for decoration of the pages created by them. One of such effects is the creeping line drawing attention of the user and forcing it to read the text.
It is required to you
- - editor of HTML.
1. For work with the HTML language you need HTML editor, for example, of CuteHTML. You can download its portable-version which is not requiring installation according to the link at the end of article. This editor possesses syntax highlighting and is very convenient for studying bases of HTML.
2. Open the editor and enter between the <body> tags and </body> this code: <marquee height= "" 25"" width= "" 1000" of" bgcolor= "" white""> I remember a wonderful moment: Before me you were As a fleeting image, As the genius of pure beauty. </marquee>
3. Click in a code editor the View in browser icon (a magnifying glass against the background of the globe). The browser used by default will open, you will see verses by Pushkin in a creeping line. Now attentively study the given example. The marquee tag is the tag creating a creeping line. The height and width parameters set height and field width of a line, bgcolor defines background color, in this case it is white. Substitute green instead of white, and the background of a line will become green. Experiment with color, width and height of the field of a line.
4. You can set additional parameters of the movement of a line by means of the BEHAVIOR parameter. For example, change the opening tag of the code as follows: <marquee height= "" 50"" width= "" 1000" of" bgcolor= "" green"" BEHAVIOR= "" alternate""> Start viewing in the editor – now the text will move from one side of the field of a line to another and back.
5. You can set the direction of the movement of a creeping line with the help parametraDIRECTION = """"., having substituted in it the following values: left — a line moves to the left. right — a line goes to the right. up — from below up. down — from top to down.
6. Try to change the text size, having imprisoned him in the Text tag <font size=5> </font>. The size of the text is equal in this example to 5. You can change also its color by means of the tag <font color= "" red""> the Text </font>. In this example the text will be red.