As in VKontakte to connect a widget

As in VKontakte to connect a widget

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The social network "VKontakte" has huge popularity among audience of the Russian users. For this reason, configuring Internet and business, it is important to install a widget of VKontakte on the website. Potential clients will be able to get news from you much more often and in the interface of social network, usual for them, or to use special expansions, passing need for registration.


1. Widgets VKontakte happen several types. The widget "Comment" will suit the websites presenting online stores and to different blogs. Its existence will allow users to comment on records and goods, without being registered on the website, but at the same time without remaining anonymous. The It Is Pleasant to Me extension will allow to put "likes". Usually such widget is used in different competitions where the owner of the greatest number of "hearts" becomes a winner.

2. Widgets with autoregistration through social network are popular. But for this purpose it is necessary to create the application which will request information on the user from its page in VKontakte. Also practically on all websites the widget "Community" which refers to the VKontakte group is used.

3. It is possible to install a widget of VKontakte, having used support of the most social network. Pass into the section to "Developers" which is in the bottom of any page of VKontakte. For convenience you can click a menu item of "Setup", here you will see the necessary link at once.

4. On the opened page select the Authorization and Widgets for the Websites block. You will see a big variety of options of those widgets. which you can install on the website and the short description on everyone. Select the widget suitable for your purposes. Pay attention that you can install several widgets at once.

5. Configure appearance of the widget selected by you - select contents which will be displayed on the website, the sizes, color of buttons and the block. The result of how it will look will be displayed slightly below. Depending on settings in the special field the code which needs to be inserted into documents of your website will be generated.

6. Copy the first part of the code from the field and insert it into the head tag on your website. Usually this part contains the javascpipt code which refers to the files of the website necessary for work of a widget. The second part of the code is inserted into that part of the document where the block with a widget should be located. If you install the extension for community "VKontakte", do not forget to add the reference to the group.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
