As in VKontakte to hide audio recordings

As in VKontakte to hide audio recordings

Digital Hits: 60

The social network VKontakte allows the users to communicate with the friends, to watch different videos, to consist in groups and communities and to give each other gifts. Besides, this website supports one of the biggest bases of audio recordings.

It is required to you


1. VKontakte you can easily hide from other users any information from the page, beginning with personal data and finishing with records on a wall. The list of your audio recordings is not an exception and can be likewise hidden from your friends. To make this list hidden, enter on the page on this social network, having entered the login and the password in special lines.

2. Before you the window in which you will see the photo, your personal data, a wall will open, and in the upper left corner of this page the following menu will be located: "My page", "My friends", "My photos", "My videos", "My audio recordings", "My messages", "My groups", "My answers", "My settings". Press the My Settings button. In the opened window the following tabs on top will be located: "General", "Privacy", "Notifications", "Black list", "Mobile services", "Balance". For concealment of audio recordings you should change privacy therefore click the second tab.

3. The window which opened before you will comprise several blocks in which you will be able to change access to the page (to select which of users will be able to browse it), a possibility of communication with you by means of video sessions and message exchange, a possibility of viewing records on your wall and also access to your personal information. To close a possibility of viewing your musical compositions, select the section "My Page". In this section you will be able to close access to viewing your main information, photos in which you were marked out of videos, the list of groups and your gifts, the list of friends and also the list of your audio recordings. Near the text "Who sees the list of my audio recordings" the All Users window is located. Having clicked it, you will be able to change these parameters and to open access to the music only to the friends, some friends or to close it absolutely.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
