Always there is a wish to share new and useful (or just interesting) information with other people, especially with friends, acquaintances and relatives. The Internet and social networks made information exchange instant and very easy. However, for want of habit on the new website it is possible to deal with all nuances not at once. The same can be told also about the option "Repost" in VKontakte social network.
It is required to you
- Computer, mouse, Internet access, registration of VKontakte.
1. If you saw on someone's page the beautiful picture, interesting news, wise expression or just a roller with expensive cars and you wanted to share this valuable content, find below on the right under a post the It Is Pleasant to Me button in the form of a heart.
2. The first way to share with friends – guide a mouse at this heart. There will be a gray rectangle with avatars of users which already noted this post positively, having clicked a heart. Under icons you will see the arrow specifying to the right and the inscription "Tell Friends". Once you click this inscription, you will see another on its place, namely "You already told friends". The quantity of hearts will increase by one, and on a wall of your profile the repost will appear.
3. The second way appeared later and is convenient for owners of groups and publics of VKontakte. To the left of a heart the inscription "Share" and an icon in the form of the stylized megaphone is located. To the right of it there is a number of those who already extended this post further. When clicking an icon, an inscription or number (all this is integrated by a gray background) the dialog box will open. Consider all options of a window from top to down.
4. In the upper right corner there is an inscription "Close". It closes a window if you decided not to use it.
5. It is possible to enter below your comment on someone else's message which you want to repost. Pay attention that still slightly lower there is an inscription "Attach" on the right. Guide at it a mouse. You will see how the additional menu will open: "Photo", "Video", "Audio recording", "Document", "Timer". It is possible to add to record which you will transfer to yourself to a wall thus additional photos, audio-, videos, documents in the formats .pdf, .doc, .txt, etc. The last option of this menu allows to postpone the publication for a certain time which you will specify, having pressed the Timer button.
6. Even below you are granted the right to select with whom you share the selected record. Having selected "With friends and subscribers", you will send record to yourself to a wall. Having selected "Subscribers of community", you should specify to what wall of community you send a repost. And you can select only from the communities created by you. At last, having clicked "Send the private message", you specify to which of friends you want to send record.
7. At the very bottom of a window there is a Share Record button which will send a repost there where you will state above.