As in VKontakte to save an album

As in VKontakte to save an album

Digital Hits: 75

The social network "VKontakte" is remarkable the fact that users can communicate, exchanging favourite music, video and photos. If you want your page to become more interesting or that your creativity in art of photography was estimated by public of network, create and save a new album.


1. Come on service into a menu item "My photos" and on the opened page click "Create an album". In the opened window enter the name of an album. It is possible to specify in the Description field on what subject your album.

2. Right there the VKontakte service suggests you to configure privacy of the created album. If photos have personal character, then it is the best of all to select the Only Friends item. It is also possible to hide an album only from specific users, having used the All but point, or to take pictures available in general only to you.

3. Similarly select users who will be able to comment on your new album. Also press the blue button "Create an Album". Actually the album is created now. Now it is necessary to fill it with photos. For this purpose on the opened page click "Add the photo to an album".

4. Select a photo or the picture on the computer in the Open window, click the Select button and your photo in couple of seconds will be loaded on the server. Key Ctrl and, holding it, click in an adding dialog on the necessary photos to load them into a new album at the same time.

5. After loading VKontakte will make to you the list of the photo which are available in your new album in order that you added to them the description. It is optional to do it. Save changes in the album, having clicked "Save Photos".

6. If you want to change something in settings of the album, pass into the selected album and in the upper right corner click "Edit an album". Here it is possible to change an order of photos, having guided a mouse at the field of editing the picture, to change an album cover, the description and also to move a specific photo to other album. For this purpose click near the selected photo "Place in an album" and find necessary in the list. Do not forget to save changes.

7. If the new album is not necessary to you any more, delete it, having passed into the block of editing an album. The button with this function is under an album cover.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
