As in Yandex Maps to enter coordinates

As in Yandex Maps to enter coordinates

Digital Hits: 70

Many companies specify in contacts along with the address exact geographical coordinates of the arrangement. Coordinates help to define the place irrespective of whether the supplier of electronic cards knows, there is an object address where exactly. An opportunity to find a point on coordinates is also on Yandex Maps.

What is meant by digits in coordinates

On Yandex Maps the geographical coordinates will be recognized in the degrees presented in the form of decimal fractions. At the same time in the world, some more record formats of coordinates, for example, in degrees, minutes and seconds are used.

Coordinates are a couple of numbers which defines arrangement of an object on the card.

The first digit in the format accepted on Yandex Maps is the width, or a corner between the local direction of a zenith (that is the direction specifying directly up over the specific place) and the equator plane. The northern latitude is designated by letter N, southern — letter S.

The second digit is a longitude, or a corner between the meridian plane (the line of section of a surface of the globe the plane passing through this point and a spin axis of Earth) and the plane of an initial zero (Greenwich) meridian. Longitudes from 0 ° to 180 ° east of a zero meridian are called east (E), to the West — western (W).

Input of coordinates on Yandex Maps

Open the browser and in an address bar type, or open the application of Yandex Maps on the smartphone or the tablet. Enter coordinates into a search string, for example: 55.751710.37.617019 — then click "Find". In the application for a call of a search string it is necessary to click at first a magnifying glass icon (usually it is located in the bottom of the screen). Pay attention, the format of input of coordinates should be such: at first width, then longitude; the integer part of coordinates separates from a fractional part a point; digits do not contain spaces; width and longitude separate among themselves a comma.

After clicking the Find button the marker on the card will move to a point which is described by coordinates — now it is possible to build a route.

To the left of the card the address corresponding to coordinates and also their alternative representation — with degrees, minutes and seconds will be displayed. In our case it will look here so:
Width: 55 °45′6.16″N (55.75171)
Longitude: 37 °37′1.27″E (37.617019)

If you enter coordinates not in that sequence — for example, at first longitude, and then the width (some navigators and other electronic cartographic services work with data in such sequence) — on Yandex Maps it is possible to change an order of digits quickly. For this purpose click on the link "Trade Places" under a complete description of coordinates, and the marker will move to the correct point.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
