Personal pages most often have informative character and do not bring to the author of any benefit, except as notification of the user about something. That the website made profit, it is necessary to add such information for which placement would begin to pay on the website. Earn other option — the offer of paid services or unique content directly from the website.
1. Place targeted advertizing in side blocks and in the other places which are not preventing normal viewing the website. The audience will not be lowered, and several excess clicks will make a certain profit. It is better if service of advertizing supports integration with search engines and accounts of users at the website ( i.e. advertizing will be shown only that which will be interesting to the visitor, respectively, the number of clicks more).
2. Use the services of storage of files and partner programs provided by them if you at the website have unique content, and load of the server when downloading blocks access to the website. Payment is made for one thousand downloads therefore this way it is worth applying only if daily audience of the website not less than 6-8 thousand people (unique, but it is not obligatory — the same person can browse several advertizing banners and download several different files).
3. Register on the websites of the partner programs offering link exchange from network folders. This method should be used on the website with audience bigger, than 10 thousand people as links from directories are specific and focused on experienced users of network. However, this way is one of the most reliable options of receiving arrived on the website because the loyal audience and professional users prefer to click the link with the interesting their topic, than to walk on the doubtful websites, so actively advanced through normal advertisements.
4. Publish the link to the website in one of storages of bookmarks to increase attendance and to inform users on the created website. Gain will be noticeable not at once therefore not less than three dozen different reference catalogs and bookmarks are better to use services.