As looks hirobrin in Maynkrafta

As looks hirobrin in Maynkrafta

Hirobrin usually looks as the character with a standard skin and absolutely white eyes. Most often he appears on border of fog and in vaults. Sometimes he hides and runs away from players, and sometimes attacks, trying to kill.


1. There are two main types of Hirobrin. The first version behaves as a ghost: hides and runs away from the player, appears only on border of the visible world. If to approach it, it disappears.

2. The second kind of Hirobrin, on a legend, represents the died miner who revenges everyone who interferes in its possession. This version of Hirobrin suits traps in vaults, in every possible way trying to entice into them players. When you come into such underground trap, artful Hirobrin fills up an output with blocks and tries to destroy you. There is an opinion that this kind of Hirobrin secretly breaks the constructions created by the player and takes away from thing chests.

3. Hirobrin usually arises in the place where there passes the fog border - where rendering of the world stops. Especially often it happens when at the player the low render distance settings (depths of rendering of the world) are exposed.

4. Hirobrin can appear with a sword or a diamond pick, but most often he goes empty-handed. Sign of presence of Hirobrin - construction in the form of pyramids and long tunnels of two on two blocks in size. Where Hirobrin lives, foliage on trees is burned, and underground it is possible to find the shelters from a cobble-stone lit with red torches. Sometimes it is possible to find treasures in such shelters.

5. Hirobrin was not always present at a game. For the first time started talking about him when at a forum there was a message in which one of players told about the strange character whom he met. The character had a standard skin of the ordinary person, white eyes and moved in dense fog. After that the number of the messages describing a meeting with Hirobrin began to grow. He was seen building tunnels and pyramids, standing in the middle of the lake from the heated lava, etc.

6. It is considered that Hirobrin does not move in the usual way, and levitates over the Earth's surface. For this reason it does not use either trolleys, or boats, or other means of transport - they for it are absolutely useless.

7. Among fans of Maynkraft there is a legend that Hirobrin is the character who is thought up by the creator of the game Notchem in memory of the died brother. However Notch repeatedly said that it never had brothers.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
