As social networks affect behavior

As social networks affect behavior

Surprisingly, how strongly our life included social networks. Some cannot live also hour, without having checked whether somebody put like on their new photo.


1. Psychological dependence.

About 80% of the people having the account in any of popular social networks admitted that they at least once a day check the page regarding new events; a third is engaged in update of information on the page with especially painful regularity. Thus, the psychological dependence of the user of social network is almost so strong, as well as dependence of the smoker on nicotine.

2. Jealousy.

According to the conducted social researches, excessive hobby for social networks became the cause of many divorces in the USA and Great Britain. Many wives trying to seize the spouse in incorrectness visited its page in search of proofs and, of course, found them: likes, reposts and comments left to photos allegedly of competitors sometimes could destroy someone's defects.

3. Help in work.

Social networks can not only pull down families, but also help to have a rest during work process. It was proved that short breaks for communication in social network help to increase productivity of the employee by the whole 9%.

4. Envy.

Numerous photos in social networks try to convince us that all people represented on them are happy, rich and successful even if actually all not so. For this reason over time inveterate users of social networks show the increasing and great envy in relation to progress of friends.

5. Increase in a self-assessment.

Having most often created a page, we in increasing frequency want to share on it the thoughts and photos, very pleasantly happens to see to the photos flatter comments from strangers.

6. Loss of friends.

Because social networks allow the users to show not the best sides of the character, sometimes it is possible to lose friends. You wait for a heap of likes - and ignored your post. You write something important, with a hint - and you are misunderstood or wave away, being busy.

7. Ill health.

Many users of popular social networks note that the shared state of their health gradually decreases: they become more predisposed to excess weight, there is an unhealthy complexion, preference is given to fast food, there are problems with sight and a bearing.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
