Interactive training opens the mass of opportunities for those who are interested in education, in skills development or retraining. All heard about remote learning, but not all have a clear view as all this occurs. Actually process consists of several parts: receiving materials online, online conferences, execution of examinations and internal seminars.
Receiving materials online
Each arrived student receives a key of access to the files which are stored on the server of educational institution. These are different grants, electronic versions of textbooks, recommendations about practical works, tasks for control and independent works. Also the pupil receives the diagram made by teachers according to which he also should study material. The key of access is provided for training. The educational institution provides the student with information and technical support. Teachers answer all arising questions, technical support specialists help to master the software.
Conference online
To take part in online conferences, it is necessary to take care of the high speed of the Internet. Online seminars take place in the videoconference mode via Skype. It is very effective technique as it creates full illusion of presence at a seminar. The teacher sees the students, students see the teacher. In the course conference online students ask questions to the teacher and each other, receive answers, communicate and share experience.
Online lessons
Some educational institutions practice online lessons. They "hang out" information on the diagram of classes on the websites in advance and invite students to join group in online the mode. Communication happens in a chat. The teacher gives a lecture, answers questions and helps to solve the problems arising in training activity. Such technique is practiced by teachers of courses with small audience.
Over progress of pupils the teachers develop testing systems for control. There are tests for self-checking and final tests. By results of total courses the teacher gets an idea of progress of the student. For calculation of results of testing different automated systems are used.
Internal seminars
Educational institutions with good reputation surely provide a possibility of short-term resident instruction in the training program. In fact, it is normal sessions of correspondence students. During the sessions the students listen to lectures, carry out practical and laboratory works, participate in seminars, get advice, take tests and examinations. The main objective of these sessions is in checking knowledge of pupils and their readiness for further independent work.