As VKontakte to invite in group

As VKontakte to invite in group

Digital Hits: 67

The social network VKontakte contains a huge number of communities on interests and different groups by means of which it is possible not only to share useful information with friends, but also to earn money.

It is required to you


1. If you created the group and want to earn money with its help, you need to advertize it and to gather as the bigger number of subscribers is possible. To increase number of the users visiting your group try to invite in it the friends. It becomes as follows. Enter on the page of VKontakte. In the upper right corner, near the photo you will see the menu: "My page", "My friends", "My photos", "My videos", "My audio recordings", "My messages", "My groups", "My answers", "My settings". Press the My Groups button. Before you the list of all communities on which updates you are signed will open. In the top of the page two tabs will be located: "Communities" and "Management". If you click the second tab, you will open the list of the groups created by you. Left-click on the name of group which you want to advertize.

2. Now before you the okryt the page of your community. At the left you will see the main photo of group, and under it the following buttons will be located: "Management of community", "Invite friends", "Statistics of community", "Advertizes community", "Tell friends" and "Leave group". You should press the Invite Friends button.

3. Before yourself you will see a window in which the list of all your friends will be located. Near their names there will be a Send the Invitation function. Select users from the list of your friends and invite them in the group. The only minus of such public relations is that the number of the invited friends cannot exceed forty people a day.

4. Also in the menu under the main photo of your community there is a Tell Friends function. Having clicked it, you place advertizing of your group on the wall, and your friends, having seen this inscription, can become interested in your community and join it.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
