How free of charge to send SMS from the Internet

How free of charge to send SMS from the Internet

An opportunity to write the message from own mobile phone happens not always, but if near at hand there is a computer, the SMS can be sent and online. For this purpose it is necessary to perform several operations.


1. Define cellular operator of that subscriber to whom you want to send the message. For this purpose in the searcher enter request by the code of the operator – the first three digits in the phone number, excepting a prefix 8 or +7. Visit the official site of the found communication service provider.

2. Study the menu of the website. At overwhelming number of operators the button or the line link "Send the SMS" conducting on the page for input of messages is located on the homepage of the website. Left-click on it and wait until information is updated.

3. Fill the fields which are available on the page. In most cases it is necessary to specify number of the subscriber recipient, to enter the text of the message and to confirm the actions with the test code (MegaFon, Beeline). At Mobile TeleSystems (MTS) telecom operator it is necessary to specify the phone number in addition.

4. Check correctness of the in-fed information and press the Send button, your message will be delivered to the selected subscriber within several minutes. The status of the SMS can be kept track, refreshing the page.

5. At the operator of MTS the double check is executed therefore after clicking the Send button you need to wait for the message with the test code which will come to your phone. Enter in the respective field a confirmation code from the SMS, and your message will be sent to the recipient.

6. Remember that the quantity of characters in the message is limited therefore be not fond of writing of short stories. As soon as the limit mark is reached, the text will break. The message directed online will contain not only the text, but also additional information: time of sending and IP-adres. Service of sending the SMS online free, you pay only services of the Internet service provider regularly.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
