Mass Effect 3 - the last part of the trilogy which ending for most of admirers became unexpected and it is rather, an unpleasant surprise. A game has a huge number of endings, each of which opens on execution of a certain condition.
Mass Effect 3
Mass Effect 3 offers players of the whole sixteen endings. Each of them differs literally a little that allows to reduce this quantity twice, but at the same time, with three main paths. The game ending directly depends on two factors, it: the index of readiness of the galaxy and quantity of the gathered military resources. As for reputation of the main character, in this part of the trilogy it has no value. In fact, if to peer at a plot, then the best ending is association of organik from sintetika - what told one of the main characters of this game about.
Endings in Mass Effect 3
Besides, the ending depends on a track which will be selected by the user. It can be: blue color of an ending (left track) - management of reapers and death of the main character (player), green color (central track) - association of sintetik and organik and also death of the main character, red color (right track) - destruction of all sintetik, including the main character, Reapers, a clew line and SUZI. There is one more outcome which was added to DLC Extended Cut which appeared because players did not like the previous endings. Shepard (main character) shoots in the Catalyst (the character speaking about merge of sintetik and organik) or refuses from the provided choice - change of cycles continues.
As for the galaxy in general, for it it is provided the whole 8 endings. It is influenced by quantity of the gathered military resources. As a result:
- The earth can be completely destroyed regardless of the choice of the main character if the player takes less than 1750 soldiers;
- If to take from 1751 to 2050 soldiers, then Shepard will destroy Reapers, at the same time Earth and he will die;
- If to gather from 2051 to 2350, then Shepard will agree to manage Reapers, at the same time he will offer himself, but will save Earth;
- Under a condition if the player takes from 2351 to 2650 soldiers, then Shepard will destroy all Reapers, and he will be killed. As for Earth, in this case it will not be destroyed but only it is only devastated;
- Shepard can destroy Reapers, having offered himself, but Earth will be saved from destruction if to take from 2651 to 2800 soldiers;
- From 2801 to 4000 soldiers - Shepard will offer himself and will integrate sintetik and organik;
- From 4001 to 5000 soldiers - if the main character destroys Reapers and will save Anderson, then he will escape;
- It is more than 5000 soldiers - Shepard should destroy Reapers and in this case it is not obligatory to save Anderson, then he will escape.