Wait, wait, wait. Constantly you should wait so far the website will be loaded, and sometimes this process can be dragged out at all, depending on the website size. As to accelerate loading of the website and at last, to obtain information necessary to you for which you also came to this website?
1. Shutdown of graphics on the page will be the most radical step towards increase in speed of loading of the website. For this purpose come into settings of the browser and remove a tick opposite to the line "Load Images Automatically". As graphic files much more advance text files in volume, the result will be on the person, the speed of loading of the page will become many times higher.
2. But also the speed of loading of the website directly depends on the speed of operation of the browser which correct setup will allow to increase loading speed also.
3. Directly, as for the browser, it is possible and it is necessary to clean weekly a story about the viewed pages that will clean "blockages" in a root of browsers and will well affect speed.
4. Delete time in a week of Cookie files. Information which is stored in them often is simply not necessary and therefore it is possible and it is even necessary to get rid of it.
5. Clean a cache that will also increase the speed of loading of the website.
6. Execute defragmentation of the hard drive on which you installed the browser (according to the standard – disk C). The correct arrangement of the files relating to the browser will improve its work.
7. Download from the official site the new version of the browser with all improvements and additions. Thereby, the speed of the website necessary to you, considerably will increase.
8. But, perhaps, change of a data plan, on more high-speed (but also the road, certainly) will be the best solution of a question. Nevertheless the speed of loading of the website depends on Internet channel throughput, and everything written above only in an insignificant measure will increase speed, but also optimizes the browser.