So, you created the website and intend to activate it. But before your creation will be published, it is required to take several preliminary steps. So the website needs unique and only to it inherent design. By the way, it is for this purpose optional to be the professional, i.e. the web designer, it is enough to own several simple principles of creation of appearance of the page. It is possible to get acquainted with them, having independently studied a course on a saytostroyeniye and web design for those who only begin to be engaged in it.
1. The following step is a filling of the website. You need to remember that texts for your child should be only unique, search engines for certain will not like emergence of the texts borrowed on other websites here. These "controllers" are quite capable to prohibit your creation and as will visit the website generally only from Yandex and Google (with rare exception), you will need only to dream of uniqueness of content that will inevitably lead to zero visits of the newly created website.
2. Then it is necessary to post online the website (it can be done independently or by means of special programs). For example, if you decided to add the website to Yandex, you should register before (or to become authorized if there is the account). Then you pass to the address and take the place in a world wide web. But there is more to come. If you do not index the website, i.e. will not enter it in databases of search engines, nobody learns about it and will be able to visit. Send request for registration, wait until the searcher studies" contents of the website and will enter the obtained information in the bases (as a rule, it takes from one to two weeks).
3. Why so long? In order that your website got to base, the search engine scans each page, makes the list of keywords, and defines their weight category and also scans links to other websites and performs other operations. Certainly, it requires some time. Also your website in all search engines will be indexed so this procedure - "put" the website in queue on indexation - it is necessary to execute at the same time and in other searchers.
4. And in conclusion small council. Send the website for registration only when it is completely filled with texts. It will give the chance to search engines to index the maximum quantity of information placed not your website.