How to add the card on the website

How to add the card on the website

Cartographic services will allow visitors of the website to see visually necessary location, and will help owners of a resource with its advance. The most popular services are Google.Maps and Yandex Maps.


1. For adding of Yandex Map pass to the website If you worked before with a system and you have the account, become authorized. If is not present, register.

2. Specify the necessary address in the floor located under the card and click the Find button. As soon as the system sets the required location, place a point (or points if them a little). However you remember what search results can be a little, perhaps, you should specify required option.

3. In a window with the card click on the appeared link "Put Here the End". After that you will be able to add comments on an object and also to select design of a point (to specify its size and color). Click Ok.

4. By the way, pulling of a point according to the card is available to you. For this purpose it is only enough to bring to it the cursor, having clamped the left mouse button and having pulled in the necessary location.

5. If you want to create several points, use the Installation of Points button. It is located on the toolbar in a window. Further installation process of each of points anything will not differ from the fact that it is described in the previous steps.

6. The following that you should make is to click the link "The Code for an Insert". Further enter the address of your website and select the column "Receive the Code of the Card".

7. After that insert the copied code on the necessary page of the website (it can be the section "Contacts").

8. For adding of Google map pass to and gather the necessary address (country, the city, the street and also house number). Click on the Search button. Further on the card the required object should appear. It is possible to copy the code for an insert, having used an icon "Chain".

9. If you follow the link "Setup and Preview of the Card", then will be able to edit custom settings (for example, to set the card size).

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
