The website can be modified many additional components, different plug-ins, expansions and so on. And installation of any additions does not require special knowledge. Such modules can be installed on the Joomla engine.
1. Install the Joomla engine on the registered hosting. Further download the special module of the guest book Easybook. If the downloaded module is not in archive (zip), then place all files of the module in the zip archive so that when opening archive you saw all files of the module, make it the following method: - select all files the left mouse button; - right-click on any of the selected files; - select the Add to Archive item; - enter the name, type and a location of future archive.
2. Enter the administration panel the engine, having entered the login and the password set at installation.
3. Select a menu item "Installation/removal", then click the Components point.
4. In the opened window find the reference "Loading of the File of a Package of the Subsequent Installation of an Element". Under this point find the Browse button, click it.
5. Find earlier downloaded archive, select it, click OK. Further press the Load and Install button. When the file is loaded, you will see the message "The file is loaded".
6. Select the Components item, in the opened menu select Easybook. Here settings of the module are changed.
7. Force to work this module of the guest book, for this purpose create point in any menu and tie him to the module. That it was possible to cause the guest book from the main menu, do the following. Open the main menu, in it select the mainmenu item. Press the New button. Select type of the Component menu, click "Further".
8. Set parameters of a new component: write a name, select a component (Easybook). Do not touch other settings.
9. Save settings. Now visit the website and check, the component works or not.
10. Turn off the excess function "Obligatory Input of E-mail when Adding New Record": select the Components item, then click the Easybook and "Edit a Configuration" point. Select item of "Field", set No value for two points – "Show the Field of E-mail" and "It Is Forced to Show the Data Entry Field of E-mail".