How to begin to keep the microblog

How to begin to keep the microblog

Some people cannot live without microblogs, constantly write the messages and answer others, spending time lot, others write from time to time, the third believe that the microblog – waste of time. However there is no person who would not hear about microblogs at all. The most popular platform for short messaging several years is twitter.

Than twitter is good? First, audience of this resource for microbloggers the biggest in the world. Secondly, the system has flexibly configured interface. Thirdly, it is possible to publish messages in twitter not only on its official site, but also by means of client programs and also through SMS.



After registration in a system find time for setup. You will expose the region and the time zone, specify whether you want to see materials of delicate contents in a tape (for example, photos in style of a nu). If you want to have access to twitter always and everywhere, pay attention on clients for your smartphone and also register the phone number in appropriate section of settings.


Then it is necessary to start execution of your page. Surely load an avatar. Most of popular microbloggers prefer to expose the real photo. It at least allows visitors of your page to understand at once whose messages they read. Do not feel sorry for time for the section "Design" in settings. You can select previously created subject (now them about 20 of the panel of settings are available) or to contact Themeleon service, located at the address and to modify the pleasant subject to the taste. There is an opportunity to create an own subject, having loaded the background image and having selected background color and color of a subject. Pay attention that the appearance of the Main page and page "Ya" is different.


When you are happy with appearance of the twitter, can start its filling. Before writing the first post, decide on subject of all microblog. The personalized accounts enjoy the greatest popularity, that is where behind messages the identity of the person is visible. It is interesting to people to know where you were that saw what you think of and what you dream of.

Do not forget to use a possibility of attachment of media files. The message like "Evening. Outside the window rain. Boringly" not informatively it is also uninteresting. Many people at the same moment have an evening and a rain outside the window, for some can be boring too. And here if you approach a window, will take the picture and attach it to the message, then be for certain remembered to readers. First, it is unlikely someone sees just the same picture which is seen by you from a window, secondly visual information is always remembered better, than verbal.

Always you remember about the microblog. If you go by the subway and see the amusing teenager if in cafe brought you fly soup if on the street you became the witness of a flashmob, remove, photograph, write about it. Around there is a lot of surprising. You share what was seen with others, and others will share with you.


Many accounts quickly become "dead" because the person just is disappointed in the microblogging service. When having written ten - another of messages, he does not receive any answer or a retweet, often throws the page. And it is absolutely vain. To receive responses, it is necessary to make a number of certain actions.

For a start find congenial people. Use the built-in system of search. Having visited the page of any person, read several its tweets, look at its personal information. Pay attention how long he is registered in a system (these data are specified under its avatar), how regularly he writes messages. If his thoughts are interesting to you, safely click the Read button. It is possible to unsubscribe from the tvitteryanin which became uninteresting at any time.

Find pages of federal and regional media to stay in the know of events in the country and in the world. The famous people regularly write messages in twitter. Find their pages not so difficult. "Follow" celebrities, and you learn them from the new party, and dialogs in comments on posts are quite often more interesting than tweets.

Having seen the message with which you are solidary in a tape, press the Retweet button. It will appear in your tape. Certainly such action will be pleasant to the author. Probability is high that he will visit your page and will become your follower. If to you is what to add or object, click "Answer" and you share the thoughts. Twitter is a social network, and there is a place to both exchange of views, and hot discussions.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
