How to cancel sending the letter

How to cancel sending the letter

Digital Hits: 71

The sent letter cannot be deleted, however there is an option to cancel its sending if you are in a standalone mode at present. In this case the letter is not on the recipient's server yet. If you were connected and clicked sending, in most cases action is irreversible.

It is required to you


1. If you sent the letter through an e-mail client and want to cancel this action, include a standalone mode of its use. Then come via the browser into your mailbox and check whether there is a letter written by you in the list of outgoing messages or it did not reach the server yet. Than quicker you disconnect the client from network, high probability subjects that the letter will not be delivered to the addressee. Also sometimes there are faults in a program runtime, and letters go with a delay therefore anyway disconnect the client from network and check the folder of outgoing messages on the server.

2. If you send the letter directly from your e-mail server, pay attention that to cancel its sending after clicking of the corresponding button or the Ctrl+Enter keyboard shortcut it will be already impossible unless only in time to manage to stop loading of the web page by means of clicking of the button with a cross opposite to an address bar.

3. After that open the Outgoing menu and check whether the letter written by you is displayed there. Pay attention that if it is not there, then, most likely, the text of your letter and files attached to it will be unavailable.

4. Further to avoid emergence of problems with sending undesirable messages to addressees, edit letters in the text editor then copy final option and insert into the message of mail. Also you can set a standalone mode of work for your e-mail client further accidentally not to send the undesirable message. When sending turn off this mode, and after activate it again.

5. When the letter written by you nevertheless is in cases already on the recipient's server, use its login and the password for an input if they are known to you, and delete it from the menu of incoming messages. It is the only way not to allow reading of your message which is not intended to this addressee.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
