How to cancel sending the message of VKontakte

How to cancel sending the message of VKontakte

Digital Hits: 73

On social network VKontakte it is possible to delete the message sent to other user if you suddenly changed the mind or it lost the relevance. It is possible to make it one of described below ways.


1. Visit the page of VKontakte and find the reference "My Messages" or "My Friends" which is in the left part of the menu. If you do not have these links, come into "My settings", then into the General and Additional Services tab. There by ticks designate links which you wish to see in the left part of the account. Now you can cancel sending messages depending on the one to whom you sent them.

2. To delete the message sent to one of the friends select this user by means of the My Friends tab and click the Send the Message point which is at once under the photo. Before you the form for input of the message will open, but write nothing in it. In the lower left corner of this window click "Pass to a dialog". After that all your correspondence with this friend will open.

3. Now you can delete the necessary, more precisely, not necessary messages. For this purpose right-click on the message so that on the right there was a tick, and in the upper right corner over a dialog click the Delete point. In this way you at the same time can delete from 10 to 20 messages. But at first check whether they contain important information. If you unintentionally delete the message, then it can restore it, vospolzuyas the corresponding hint which will appear after removal.

4. You can cancel sending the message to the user who is not your friend. For this purpose come into the account of social network VKontakte and click "My messages". In the top part of the opened page select "Sent", you will see the list of all messages sent by you, near each of which there will be a Delete button. You can delete them on one or at once a little, having put at each message a tick on the right and having pressed above the corresponding button.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
