How to cancel the invitation in group

How to cancel the invitation in group

Digital Hits: 68

On the website of VKontakte each user can create group and invite in it another registered on the website. However some users can ignore the invitation. In this case the invitation leaf will be full, and these invitations can be cancelled.

It is required to you


1. Visit the page on the website of VKontakte, having entered the login and the password to the respective fields. Select from the list to the right of your main photo a position "My groups". Click it with the left mouse button once. Before you the list of all your groups will open.

2. Select community in which you are an administrator, and come into it. You can add group which is under your manual to yourself to favorites or in "Interesting pages" that quicker on it to come. The list of all groups can also be found on the wall after the section "About".

3. Under a group avatar in the list of functions select "Management of community". Click this option the left mouse button once. Before you the page of management including editing information and the number of subscribers will open.

4. In the top part of the opened page select the Participants bookmark and click it the left mouse button once. There has to be a list of all group members as their adding. On the right side from it find the option "Invitations" and click it with the left mouse button once. You will see the list of those who did not respond to the invitation about the introduction in group.

5. Under a name and a surname of everyone there is an inscription "Cancel the Invitation". Click in turn each such option under nicknames invited by the left mouse button. Instead of it the inscription "Send the Invitation" will appear. After the made canceling at everyone invited refresh the page, and the list will be cleaned.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
