How to cancel the offering of VKontakte

How to cancel the offering of VKontakte

Digital Hits: 72

Social networks give the magnificent chance to find old acquaintances and to make friends with people who are interested in the same, than and you. VKontake - one of the most popular. She allows both to offer friendship to other user, and to refuse this step.

It is required to you


1. Find in the searcher of the user interesting to you. Come to its page. To monitor updates which are available to all registered users of VKontakte it is enough to you to click the Add as a Friend key which is slightly below than a yuzerpik. However, if the person does not reciprocate to you, you will be able to see not all records. The owner of the page which interested you will get to you in idols, and you will be able to look on him on a visit just according to the link.

2. Some users of social networks very much show consideration for that, wrote them in friends or not. It is not pleasant to much when the user who refused to them friendship automatically gets to a discharge "Idols". If you belong to this category and the user to whom you suggested to be on friendly terms does not reciprocate to you, you can withdraw the offer. Come to the necessary page.

3. Under yuzerpiky you will find the button on which it is written: "You sent to such user the application in friends and also signed up for updates of its page". Near there is a link "Cancel". Click it — your offer of friendship will lose force.

4. You can have a need to delete some user from friends. Come to the necessary page and find an inscription that this user at you in friends. In the same place you will see the link with the offer to delete it from friends. Having clicked it, you lose an opportunity to monitor updates of its page. But at the same time it will remain in your subscribers, and to it there will be available materials which you hold open for all registered VKontakte.

5. It is possible to remove from friends and in a different way. Visit a page "My friends". There you will find the list. Near each name there is an option "Remove from Friends". It is enough to click on the link only. On the same page you can enter someone in the special list or, on the contrary, bring out of it.

6. To deprive of the user unpleasant to you to send to you messages and to monitor updates of your page, enter him in the black list. Enter "Settings". In the top menu you will see the Black list tab. Come into it. In the top part of the page you will see a window to which it is necessary to enter a user name or the address of its page. The second is more preferable.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
