How to cancel the order on the website of AliExpress

How to cancel the order on the website of AliExpress

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If you paid goods on AliExpress, but it for any reason does not suit you or purchase was made by mistake, then in this online store it is possible to cancel the issued order. Money returns in full. However it is possible to make it only in a day after payment and before sending goods by the seller.


1. Find the order which you want to cancel, in a personal account on the website of AliExpress. Pay attention that it will be possible to refuse it only day later after payment. The fact is that payment processing takes the first 24 hours, and only after that the order is redirected to the seller. At each seller the time for sending is specified. Usually it is 5-7 days. Within this time the buyer has an opportunity to cancel the order before the seller sends a parcel. If all conditions are met, can start the next stage. Click Cancel Order. Further the system will suggest to confirm that you want to cancel the order.

2. Click Request Order Cancellation and in the appeared window select for what reason you wish to cancel the purchase. The reasons of canceling of the order are already prepared and provided in a drop-down list. If you ordered not those goods, then select I ordered the wrong product(s). If paid two identical goods, I placed a duplicate order. You cannot contact the seller – I am not able to contact the supplier. The goods are absent at the seller – The supplier said the product(s) I want is out of stock. The seller does not send the order – The supplier refuses to ship the product(s). Etc.

3. Click Submit after the choice of the reason of canceling. Further it will be offered to you to file a complaint to the seller. If you cancel the order on own initiative, then click No. If you consider the seller the swindler, then click Yes. At submission of the complaint the administration will check AliExpress the supplier and will define for it the corresponding punishment if it is necessary.

4. Wait when the seller confirms the consent with your canceling of the order. If the supplier does not take any actions, then in 2 weeks the order is cancelled automatically. After that money will be returned to you into that bill from which you paid goods.

5. If the seller refuses to cancel your order, referring to what was already sent by goods, you can try to convict him of deception. Demand from the supplier the track number for tracking a parcel and (or) the copy of the mail dispatch note. If you have doubts in the provided data, can safely contact administration of AliExpress. If to confirm your complaint, then you not only receive all sum for the order back, but also still to you compensation will be added.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
