Every day there are more and more Internet users. It is used for the solution of working tasks, communication with friends, search of necessary information. With development of this wide area network most providers offers new rates with lower cost and high speed.
It is required to you
- phone, number of the contract, passport, computer.
1. Transition from one data plan to another can be carried out in several ways, for example, having called support desk of that operator whose services you use. It is possible to come into the user's office on the website of your supplier of service and to send to service number the message with the corresponding text.
2. At a call to service of service it is necessary to prepare number of the contract and the passport. After the reply of operator ask that changed your rate for more favorable. When accessing the specialist will ask to call number of the contract and for whom it is issued then there will be a change of a rate.
3. Each operator of Internet communication has an information website where access to personal account of the user is possible. Having entered the login and the password, proceed according to the link of change of a data plan. All available offers will be shown you. Having selected one, save it, and already in the nearest future the system will switch you to a new rate.
4. Some Internet service providers suggest to make change of a rate by means of the SMS message - your login and a desirable data plan is specified in it. This information is sent to the short number of your Internet company.