How to change a website background

How to change a website background

If the background of pages of your website consists of one picture which has width of the website and is multiplied in vertical direction, then it is possible to change it only editing this picture in the graphics editor. And if the background is formed in the code of pages, then they can be changed, having used the instructions given below. Instruction 1. To change a background, at first it is necessary to define - how it is set in the current version of pages of the website. For this purpose it is necessary to open the source code of the page lying on the server. It can be done the normal text editor, the standard Notepad will approach. And if you use any management system of the website, then the page can be edited directly in the browser by means of the built-in editor of pages. The HTML-code of the page (HTML - HyperText Markup Language, "hypertext markup language") consists of lines with the instructions for the browser describing types, appearance and arrangement of each element of the web page. These instructions are called "tags" and they are grouped in blocks, one of which begins with the opening tag and comes to an end with the closing tag . According to language standards of HTML in the opening tag it is possible to set page background parameters. It becomes placement of the bgcolor attribute in it: set green color for a background of this page Here. Some colors according to the HTML standards have own names - for example, Chocolate or Gainsboro, but usually use hexadecimal codes of flowers: If background color, is set this way, follows you, to find the body tag in the code of the page and to replace value of the bgcolor attribute with necessary to you. 2. In pages with more difficult design for the description of appearance use CSS (Cascading Style Sheets - "cascading style sheets") more often. CSS is the language created for the description of appearance of elements of HTML document. Blocks of the CSS code can be or are included in the code of the page, to contain in the separate file with the css extension and to be connected to the page by the special instruction in the source code of the page. You should find the And if after the