The hyperlink establishes connection between different web objects or parts of one web document. The link can be made a part of the text or the image. If there is a wish to diversify design of the website, it is possible to change style of links.
1. The contents of the web page which are seen by her visitors are between opening and closing the <body> tags. In the same container you need to set parameters of style of links. Color of a link is defined by attributes of this tag: - link - the link in the text; - alink – the link when clicking a mouse; - vlink – the visited link.
2. Color can be specified in a type of a hexadecimal number of the RGB (RedGreenBlue) format or to write in text form in English. For the choice of shades it is convenient to use the table of safe colors Before the digital code put the sign of a grid #, and quote value of an attribute: <body link=”#99CCCC” alink=”#CC66CC” vlink=”#669999”>
3. To make the link a part of the text, the tag <a> (from the English ancor – "anchor") with the href attribute is used: <body text=”#999999” link=”#99CCCC” alink=”#CC66CC” vlink=”#669999”>Эту a part of the text can be made the link on <a href=””>эту the useful table </a> </body>
4. If to use the title attribute of the tag <a>, it is possible to create the tooltip balloon - it will appear at guidance of the cursor on the link: <body text=”#999999” link=”#99CCCC” alink=”#CC66CC” vlink=”#669999”>Эту a part of the text can be made the link on <a href=”” title=" Tooltip balloon"> this useful table </a> </body>
5. If you want to highlight in the color any link, use for this purpose the <font> tag and its color attribute: <body text=”#999999” link=”#99CCCC” alink=”#CC66CC” vlink=”#669999”>Эту a part of the text can be made the link on <a href=””> <font color=”# FF3366"> this useful table </font> </a> </body> That color of the link differed from other links in the text, the <font> tag should be in the <tag.
6. It is possible to make the link the image. In this case instead of the text the picture is used. Respectively, the fragment of the code includes the <img> tag and its src attribute: <body text=”#999999”>Посмотрите my photo album <href=""> <img src="/ Myfoto.jpg"> </a> </body>