If any given website is unavailable from your computer, it does not mean that it does not work in general. Perhaps, it is unavailable only to your provider, and even is blocked by it. There are several ways to learn that it happened to the website actually.
1. Check whether we will combine the website with your browser. Some owners of resources specially set restrictions for what browsers can be used for its viewing. The truth in recent years when the monopolism period in the market of these programs came to an end, owners of the websites do them by certain browsers, unsuitable for viewing, more and more seldom.
2. Try to visit the website, using any other browser. If instead of the website the page on which it is specified that the domain is free or offered for sale is loaded, in the beginning check whether the domain name is correctly entered. If necessary correct a typo in it. If it turns out that there is no typo, the owner of a resource means forgot to prolong the term of registration of the domain.
3. Sometimes instead of the website the page saying is loaded that the account of its owner is suspended. In this case he forgot to prolong not the domain, but a hosting. In both cases contact it on those coordinates which are known to you and remind it that it is necessary to carry out extension of action of the domain or a hosting. In the first case it is necessary to notify the owner of the website immediately until the domain is redeemed by other persons.
4. Try what stage of passing of request it ceased to be transferred further.
5. Ask acquaintances through services of instant messaging, e-mail, forums whether the resource at them opens.
6. Try to open the website through one of the following services: http://google.ru/gwt/n
http://skweezer.com. So you learn whether it is available to other users, without contacting other persons.
7. Try to visit the website, using the mobile phone on which the Opera Mini or UCWEB browser is installed. They also carry out loading of contents of the websites via third-party servers.
8. If you use the Opera browser, try to include or switch off the Opera Turbo mode, then again to visit the website. It you achieve similar result.