As a rule, at connection to the Internet on any of options of unlimited access, the balance of personal account is refilled for the sum sufficient for receiving this service within one month. Therefore it is possible to forget about balance approximately for a month. And all other data plans require trackings reduction of balance of shorter periods.
It is required to you
- Contract on providing Internet access.
1. The most convenient way to control balance is to use service of the automatic notification about approach of the sum of the entered advance payment to critical level. In this case information will be sent by Internet service provider the SMS message or to your e-mail address. Learn whether your provider provides such service, it is possible in the information section of its website or by customer support phone.
2. If you have an opportunity to call by customer support phone, then the balance can be learned from the operator, having called it number of the account. The phone number shall be specified or in the contract, or in annexes to it. It will be specified also on the website of your provider in the section of contacts.
3. Besides, on the website of vast majority of providers there is a closed area, the entrance to which requires authorizations. Usually it is called "personal account", sometimes "statistics server", but anyway there you will be able to learn change history of balance of the account in details. These authorizations (login and the password), as a rule, are given to you together with the contract for connection of Internet service.
4. Some of providers give an opportunity to check balance by means of terminals of payment of Sberbank, the KIWI, etc. Learn whether such service is available to you, it is possible in the section of frequently asked questions on the website or by phone of support of your supplier of Internet access.
5. And, at last, even during an era of a virtual area network nobody is able to deprive of you an opportunity to move physically to the nearest office of Internet service provider and to learn the balance. The addresses of offices can be recognized both in the contract, and on the website or by customer support phone. Do not forget to take with yourself an account number (better - the copy of the contract) and any identity document.