How to configure Outlook through a proxy

How to configure Outlook through a proxy

The application setup of Outlook entering office Microsoft Office package through a proxy comes down to reconfiguration of the application for work with Microsoft Exchange. The main requirement to a system is existence of the installed SP2.


1. Open the main system menu, having clicked "Start-up" and redithat in the Control panel point of the workstation. Start the Mail application and open the menu "Service" of a top panel of tools of a window of the program. Specify the Setup of Accounts point and go to the E-mail tab of the opened dialog box. Click "Create" and apply a checkbox in the line "Configure Manually Server Options or Additional Types of Servers".

2. Confirm the choice, having pressed Next and note a checkbox in the line "Microsoft Exchange Server" in the following dialog box. Save the made change, having pressed Next, and print ex01.mps.local in the field "Microsoft Exchange Server" and a name of the user account in the line "User name" in a new dialog box. Use the Other Settings command and select the Connection bookmark in the next dialog box.

3. Apply a checkbox in the line "Connection to Microsoft Exchange under the HTTP Protocol" and click "Exchange Proxy Server Parameters …" in the section "Mobile Outlook". Print in the field "URL Address for Connection to the Exchange Proxy Server" of the section "Parameters of connection of the opened dialog box and select the option "Normal Authentication" in a drop-down list of the line "Authentication Parameters for the Proxy Server". Save the made changes, having pressed the OK button, and press Next.

4. Print e-mail mailbox name in the opened authorization window on the server and enter the password. Validate the specified data, having pressed the OK button, and use the Complete command in the last dialog box for application of the made changes. After that start the Outlook application and print the postal address and the password in an authorization window. Confirm a login to the program, having pressed the OK button.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
