How to configure the 3g-Internet

How to configure the 3g-Internet

The mobile Internet - just a find for those who do not like to sit in place, but constantly should be in network. Cellular operators who offer the wireless 3G-modem for work with the Internet come of such people to the rescue. It is possible to get a set of the selected operator in any point of the country, it is possible to configure also.


1. First of all insert into the CD drive the mini-disk which is included in the package of delivery of the 3G-modem at the same time without connecting the modem. Wait for emergence of a special window on installation 3G of the modem.
If the window did not emerge probably you switched off automatic loading function. In this case, for installation of the driver it is necessary to come into the section "My Computer", to make right click on a label of CD and to click "Automatic loading".

2. In the appeared window it is necessary to select installation of drivers and the program for control of the modem.
Pay attention that for each model 3G of the modem of the program for their installation look differently.

3. Select a directory for saving, click "Further".

4. Wait for full program installation. After installation, the program will suggest to reboot your computer.

5. After reset of a system insert the modem into the USB port of your computer, wait still operating system will define the device.

6. Enter the user interface of the modem.
The label of the program of the modem will appear on your Desktop. This image of the mobile phone is normal.

7. Press a connect button in the interface – the inscription "Connect", "Start" or a label of Internet Explorer.
Connection is established! You can begin to use the Internet!

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
