For creation of own local area network it is accepted to use different devices. If it is necessary to provide computers and laptops with Internet access, it is accepted to use Wi-Fi routers instead of network hubs.
It is required to you
- Wi-Fi router.
1. Select Wi-Fi the router. Characteristics of this device should answer parameters of wireless adapters of laptops and it is possible, computers. Treat very seriously the choice of types of data encryption and signal transmission. It is better to use the router supporting a big range of channels.
2. Connect the router to the alternating current main. Turn on the device. Connect desktop computers to Ethernet (LAN) connectors.
3. Connect the network cable provided to you by provider to the Internet connector (WAN, DSL). Open the instruction to Wi-Fi to the router. Find in it its initial IP address, login and password demanded for access to the menu of settings.
4. Enter the equipment IP address into an address bar of the browser of one of the computers connected to the router. Enter the login and the password.
5. On the screen the homepage of the web interface of settings of the router will be displayed. Open the Settings of the Internet menu (Internet Setup, WAN Settings). Change the necessary points for implementation of contact with the server, being guided by the recommendations of your provider. For simplification of the procedure of setup of other devices include the DHCP function if she is supported by this model of the router.
6. Save changes in settings and pass to the Wi-fi Settings menu (Wi-Fi Configuration, Wireless Setup). Think up and enter a name for your wireless network. Set the password. Select the protocol of data encryption and type of a radio signal from the offered options.
7. Save settings. Turn off Wi-Fi the router from the power supply network. Turn on the device. Repeat the procedure of a login to its web interface. Make sure that Internet access is active.
8. Turn on laptops, activate search of wireless networks. Select your network and be connected to it.