How to create textures in the game Maynkraft

How to create textures in the game Maynkraft

Many gamers tempted in Minecraft wish to make it in many krat better, than it already is. Do its square play space "fotogenichny" special textures. Any user if desired can create on their basis own significantly to change the "maynkraftersky" space.

"Starter kit" of the beginning designer

For creation of own pack ice of textures to the new computer designer (if he, of course, does not wish to risk, having started the project from scratch) does not prevent to get some basic set of such textures on the basis of which he also will create further. It will be necessary introduce amendments in similar "a starting package" to it via any graphics editor.

Someone from beginning "teksturshchik" does not shun in this regard to use even Paint. However at such program quite poor opportunities in some respects. For example, it does not maintain transparency, and it is real "pot of gold" in respect of creation of textures, softer and various in the texture.


Therefore it is better to contact valued and familiar many Photoshop, much less known Gimp and other similar programs nevertheless. And normal work with textures via such software products does not require their thorough study at all. Enough elementary skills in respect of image processing and knowledge of the main tools (like a brush).

For a start it is necessary to contact archive with a basic pack ice of textures. It is usually entitled by Default Textures. It should be extracted (WinRAR or other similar program) in the same folder. One more archived file which in usual conditions would need to be installed in Minecraft is formed. However "teksturshchik" and him should extract.

What textures can be changed

About ten folders according to which all textures which are found in a game are sorted proceeding from the assignment are as a result formed. For example, the terrain file with the .png extension - one of the major. Textures of blocks are kept in it. In the folder with the similar name the textural documents defining appearance in a game of the sun and the moon lie. In armor - textures of all armor, including that that it is put on the Witherer, and transformations of characters after blow of a lightning in them.

Achievement - textures of icons of achievements and the interface of such menu, art - pictures, environment - lighting, a rain, clouds and snow, item - special objects (like onions), mob - all mob which are found in a gameplay, misc - what did not enter the previous categories. Files of the gui folder are related to appearance of objects from items.png and also the game interface. In title the documents concerning a logo and also backgrounds in the Minecraft menu are located.

It is possible to subject to changes if desired contents of any of such files. Here it is fully worth showing the creative and design potential that as a result a game really took that appearance which the specific gamer imagines ideal. Only technical capabilities of graphic programs of its computer can become restriction of his imagination.

Councils for work with textures

At the same time not a sin to fully use, in particular, effect of transparency. Thanks to it, for example, pictures will become figured. It is better if it is necessary to work in Photoshop, to take out the adjustments in a separate layer that in case the result of the made changes disappoints, it was possible to delete it without serious consequences.

It is not necessary to be afraid of experiments with a color. It is valid - if such is desire of the most beginning designer - even to change a shade of separate blocks (it is only important not to forget at the same time what amendments were introduced that then on the gameplay course already with a new pack ice of textures to do not pass in the mine that ore that at that moment it is necessary, because of its not recognitions). For example, it is possible to add gloss to gold, whiteness - to diamonds, etc.

The appearance of mob should be changed too. For example, to turn unpleasantly looking zombies into glamourous beings, having put on them a hat or having at least recoloured in some pleasant pinkish tone. It is also possible to try to create multiple textures of separate mob thanks to what in case of their big spaun beings, not identical on the person, will turn out, and a little slightly differing externally.

Files with all made changes should be saved in the separate folder, without copying standard images there. It will only add new textures of a pacu of weight, but in the functional plan for anything will not affect. All the same at absence in a pack ice of any texture she will be automatically replaced with standard.

The folder with the textures upon termination of conversions it is necessary to archive and copy it in texturepacks in Minecraft directory. Then it will be necessary only to come into appropriate section of the game menu, to select the pack ice as the basic and to enjoy the made changes.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
