How to decorate the blog

How to decorate the blog

The beautiful and unusual design of the blog is created to interest the potential reader. Having estimated graphic design of the website, the visitor can pay attention and to its text contents. Therefore surely select a little time for decoration of the blog.

It is required to you

  • - blog template;
  • - logo;
  • - icons;
  • - color scheme;
  • - favikon.


1. If your blog is located on free service, visit the section with design templates in settings of the account. Pick up that template which is the most suitable to subject of the blog.

2. It is possible to add a highlight to execution of pages, having changed a logo in a blog cap. Select the suitable picture in an image bank or draw it. Then, having opened the file with the image of a cap in the graphics editor, insert the selected picture into the right place. Adjust it by the size and save the file.

3. Also you can diversify a blog cap by means of animation. It can be in the swf or gif format. At first pick up suitable option of a roller, then save this file in the corresponding folder of the website. In the end state path to animation in the source code.

4. Replace the available set of icons of the blog new, original. For example, it is possible to replace images of icons for twitter, rss, vkontakte and other social services. Archives with the icons drawn in different styles can be found on the websites specializing in the web diagram. If desired you can change the selected icons by means of the program for their editing. The Studio of Icons application can become an example of such program.

5. Pick up the interesting color scheme for the blog. Beautiful combinations of flowers can be found in pictures, photos or in real life. And it is possible to use services of the special websites which have tools for selection of successful color schemes.

6. Issue information blocks of the website in uniform style, according to the color scheme selected before. Blocks can have headings, fonts and any other elements, identical on color and a form, which are their part.

7. Make for the blog favikon. It is the small picture which appears in an address bar of the browser before the name of the website. Even such trifle can give identity to the blog.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
