Tooltip balloons which appear when filling of different forms with you on pages of the websites (including search queries) is a result of activity of your browser. He remembers that you enter and if somewhere else meets in the source code of the web page the data entry field with the same name, then issues you "the contextual hint" for acceleration of filling of fields of forms. Conveniently, but sometimes there is a need to nullify these lists. It can be done, having cleaned history stored by the browser.
1. If you use the observer of Internet Explorer, then begin transition to options of cleaning of history with disclosure of the section "Service" in the top menu. In it you need the Internet Options point - click it. In a settings window which will open after that you will be needs the General tab which is open by default here. In the section "History of Viewing" of this tab click the Delete button. This action will open one more window - "Removal of History of Viewing". In it cleaning options are divided into sections too. The history necessary to you of the entered search queries is cleaned with clicking of the Delete Forms button in the section "Data of Web Forms" - click it.
2. If your browser - Mozilla Firefox, then open the section of the menu with the name "Tools" and click the Delete Personal Data point. It is possible to do without mouse - clicking of the keyboard shortcut CTRL + SHIFT + DEL carries out the same action, that is "Removal of personal data" opens a window. In this window types of the stored data which can be deleted are listed - give a mark at point "The saved data of forms and the history of search". Certainly, you can select also other data types, and then click "Delete Now".
3. In a case with the Opera browser, you should open the menu, guide the cursor at the section "Setup" and to click the Delete Personal Data point. As a result the dialog box where there is a tag "Detailed setup" will open - it deploys the list of the deleted data. Click this tag, in the deployed list place the necessary marks in checkboxes and click "OK".
4. If you use Google Chrome, then for access to options of removal of the Internet history it is enough to click a combination of the buttons CTRL + SHIFT + DEL. In such a way you will open a window in which heading it will appear "Clean data of viewings", and the list of the deleted data will be contents. Point necessary to you is called here "Clean the saved these autocompletions of forms" - give a mark in its checkbox. Besides, you should select depth of history on which it is necessary to carry out cleaning. In the very first line of this window there is a drop-down list in which select the necessary time period. Then click the Delete Data on the Viewed Pages button to start the procedure of cleaning.
5. In the Safari Apple browser for total cleaning of the stored history open the section of the History menu and select in it the Clean History item. The browser will ask operation confirmations - click "Clean".