How to download music from VK without special programs

How to download music from VK without special programs

Digital Hits: 70

The social network VKontakte is not only the site for communication. Many users come into VK to listen to good music. In network there are many special programs allowing to download music with VK, but there is rather easy way which allows to do it without use of the additional software. This instruction will also teach you to download music from VK without special programs.


1. Come into VK and pass into the section "My Audio Recordings". Now it is necessary to put the song which you are going to download, on the first place in the list.

2. Right-click according to the song, and then select the section "Viewing Code of an Element".

3. Now look in the right part of the screen of your computer. You will see many different characters. Click the Ctrl+F keyboard shortcut. The search string where it is necessary to enter a MP3 will open.

4. Copy the code where the song which you are going to download from VK is displayed. For this purpose it is necessary to right-click by the code and in the opened window to select the section Copy. Now the code is copied in a clipboard.

5. Now it is necessary to open any text editor and to insert there information copied earlier. After you copied, it is necessary to delete all unnecessary, having left only a part which begins with htpp and comes to an end with a MP3. Further what remained after removal needs to be copied. For this purpose select a line and click the Ctrl+C keyboard shortcut.

6. Open the browser and insert into an address bar what you copied, then click Enter. On the screen of your computer the song will open. You need to right-click according to it and to select the Save as item in the opened window.

7. Now in the conductor select the folder for saving a song. Everything, you downloaded the song with VK without special programs. It is possible to open the folder where you saved the loaded song and to enjoy listening of favourite music.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
