If the computer is not always available to you, and you want to have continuous access to the account in popular social network "VKontakte", use the mobile phone. It is only enough to configure in it the Internet and to select a rate is cheaper. By the way, access to mobile version of the website on the preferential bases is provided to subscribers of some mobile network operators of Russia and Ukraine and even in general it is free. And if you want — install on mobile the special client program and communicate with the friends in VKontake through it.
1. Start the web browser in the mobile phone. Gather in an address bar of the Website URL which you usually use: http://vkontakte.ru or http://vk.com. On the page of a login to the account enter in the fields the forms the login and the password — the same, as well as at an input from the computer. Press the Enter button.
2. Pay attention that the system can request from you the last 4 digits of the phone number to which your account is tied. It becomes in your interests not to let strangers to your personal page. Enter these digits. If you do not remember number to which tied phone, operate further according to hints on the screen.
3. Use mobile version of the website if normal in the browser of your phone works incorrectly: it happens that not those links are opened, messages are not sent and other — in the people call such phenomena "glitches". For all mobile network operators the following URL addresses of mobile versions work: http://m.vkontakte.ru and http://m.vk.com. To log in the account, you will need to enter the same the login and the password, as always.
4. Look through the existing list of mobile network operators which subscribers can use mobile version of the website on the preferential bases. For this purpose become authorized in VKontake and on the page make transition: "My settings" — "Mobile services".
Privileges are different. For example, as of December, 2011 the subscribers of Beeline network could use absolutely free of charge special mobile version of the website http://0.vkontakte.ru ( at the beginning of the URL address — digit "0"). Preferential access — unlimited traffic for a small license fee — was provided to clients MegaFon on the data plan "3D-communication". In Ukraine the similar privileges were available for subscribers of Life networks:) and Kyivstar.
5. Study extremely attentively all nuances of providing privileges that then you had no misunderstanding with payment of bills. Specify whether free/preferential access to viewing/downloading of media files — images extends, music, video - or a privilege works only at text messaging in network whether the privilege when viewing pages of the website of VKontakte in Web browsers of third-party developers will work — Opera Mini, Bolt and other — or only in in the browser, "native" for phone , etc.
6. Install the client program of VKontake on the mobile phone. These programs different and functionality at them also different so the exact list of tools which will become available to you after installation will depend on the specific application. The official mobile client for VKontake does not exist — all programs which extend on the Internet, are created by efforts of third-party developers, therefore, and nobody guarantees correct work of such applications to you. At least, so was at the time of writing of article — December, 2011.
After installation of the client on the phone become authorized in a system, using the login and the password.