How to gather likes of VKontakte

How to gather likes of VKontakte

Digital Hits: 73

The social network VKontakte becomes madly popular recently. Every minute thousands of people use it worldwide. Through VKontakte the people not only keep in contact with the acquaintances and friends, but also earn money. If you want your profile in this network to bring you income, for a start you need to make it popular. The public relations of accounts are often carried out by means of a set of likes in the photo and record on the user's wall.

It is required to you


1. To gather likes on any record or the photo, make the short message which text will bear in itself approximately following information: "Hi! Look, please, at the first record on my wall (or the main photo on my page) and put on it like. I thank you in advance!" The contents of the message can be completely different, it is important that his recipient understood what you want from it to achieve.

2. After the message is made, copy it and send to the friends. The number of people can be unlimited, however remember that for spam sending you can be blocked therefore it is the best of all for friends to send different messages. It is not obligatory to change all text, you can just add a smilie to the end of the message, or rearrange in places some words in the offer.

3. The following method of set of likes of VKontakte is spam mailing in any promoted community. Make the message which text will motivate users on viewing any given your record or the photo and also on its assessment. Leave this message in comments on any record in group which number of subscribers exceeds 100000 people.

4. The easiest way of turning of likes is use of a special application. "Like machine" can be an example. Install this application, enter it and insert the link with record or the photo into a special window. Further you will need only to put likes to other users, and they, in turn, will put likes to you. As soon as you decide that the quantity of likes delivered to you are enough, can just leave the program. While the program is closed by you, the quantity of likes will cease to increase.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
