How to get acquainted in Schoolmates

How to get acquainted in Schoolmates

Digital Hits: 79

The social network Schoolmates is calculated for very large audience. There you can meet people of different age and nationalities. Thanks to virtual communication many strangers can become you friends or even the family since cases of creation of families after acquaintance in Schoolmates are known.


1. Being registered on the website Schoolmates, you can pursue several aims – to find relatives whom never saw, to make interesting friends, to begin to flirt with the nice person, etc. Depending on a goal your actions at acquaintance will be different.

2. If your purpose is to find to itself the potential soulmate, begin the actions with viewing pages of different people. For this purpose enter the section "People on the Website". You will be able to be included in it, having clicked a left mouse button a line with the inscription "People on the Website" which is on the right side under the section "Your Friends on the Website". In the appeared section on the top line you can select the residence of the person on the discretion i.e. if you want to meet people from the city – enter its name and if from another – enter its name.

3. A line lower note a floor among which representatives you will look for new friends. For this purpose check near the inscription "man" or "woman". Depending on what floor you will note, the page at once to change and avatars of people which passed through the set filter will drop out. Still you can specify approximate age of people with whom you seek to get acquainted in a search line.

4. After you modify all settings, you will see avatars of the different people suitable under the set parameters. If you liked someone visually, can visit to it the page – for this purpose click on a line with a surname and a name or click the photo of the elect or darling. Having visited the page of the person who attracted to you, give marks on a photo or sign the lovely comment on the pleasant status.

5. If you are resolutely configured to strike up acquaintance to the owner of the selected profile – write the unostentatious message. Ask about something neutral, inducing to a dialog, give a compliment, ask about something, find out about hobbies, for example, "the girl, you have a remarkable figure, you like to visit the gym?", "on your photos there are so much interesting ships – you the sailor?", etc. At acquaintance try not to uplift compliments of the pleasant person to the level of an idol since not all will become interested in explicit flattery.

6. If the person responds you to the message or the comment, will pay a visit and will give excellent marks and "classes" - safely regard such actions as response sympathy. Try to develop communication, show interest in something. If you are configured on the serious relations and long friendship, try to be natural, you do not seek to embellish something.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
