How to hide audio recordings of VKontakte

How to hide audio recordings of VKontakte

Digital Hits: 83

The social network "VKontakte" daily gains popularity. Its users can not only communicate with each other, consist in different theme groups, but also listen to audio recordings.

How to hide audio recordings of VKontakte from all users?

If you do not want the list of musical compositions which you added in the playlist to be available to other people, you can easily hide them. For this purpose enter on the page on this social network, using the login and the password which you specified at registration. You will see a window in which center your main photo, to the right of it the main information on you, and at the left the menu containing such sections as "My page", "My messages", "My friends", "My videos", "My audio recordings", "My groups", "My photos", "My applications", "My settings", "Documents" is located.

Click the inscription "My Settings". Thus you will be able to open a window in which top part you will notice the tabs "General", "Privacy", "Notifications", "Black list", "Mobile Services", "Balance". Open the second tab, having left-clicked on it.


Now before you the window in which there are sections "My Page", "Records on the Page", "Communication with Me", "Other" is located. In the first section select the inscription "Who Sees the List of My Audio Recordings", a row placed the All Users button. Click it, and in the opened list select "Only I".

Some people are sure that they will be able to hide the audio recordings and in a different way. They pass into the section "My Settings", find the General tab. There are following items: "Additional services", "Settings of a wall", "Change the password", "The address of your e-mail", "Your phone number", "Safety of your page", "The address of your page", "Regional settings", "Settings of appearance".

In the first point services which are displayed in the menu which is in the left part of your page are located. Users find the My Audio Recordings button and remove a tick from there. However such action it is impossible to hide the list of musical compositions. You will just remove access to the playlist from the main menu, but audio recordings all the same will remain open.

How to hide audio recordings of VKontakte from some users?

If you want your audio recordings to be available not only to you, but also to some other users, do the same operation, but when clicking the All Users button, select one of buttons: "Everything, except", "Some friends", "Only friends", "Some of the list of friends", "Friends and friends of friends".

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
