The Adobe Flash technology is quite popular, it is set by users of different operating systems: both Linux, and Windows, and Mac. This application allows to browse video files directly from pages of websites.
1. To install the Adobe Flash Player program, open the browser and visit the official site of Adobe developer. Further come into the section Get Adobe Flash Player, you will find it in the right part of the Internet page.
2. Pay attention that installation process a flash player will change a little depending on what browser you use. If you go on-line by means of Internet Explorer, then before installation process close all active applications and click the link for automatic loading.
3. You will see a window with the section ""Free Google Toolbar"" and if you do not want to install a toolbar on your computer, then remove a tick opposite to this inscription. Further click on the Agree and install now button then in the appeared window click a line "Install the ActiveX control".
4. The security system will warn you about loading of the new program. For its installation click "Install". After completion of process of installation you need to click the appeared inscription "Is ready". If you saw some roller, so Flash Player is safely installed on your computer.
5. If you for browsing websites use other browser, then after click on the link the flash player before you will appear about the version of the selected browser, the operating system, and approximate time for downloading of the program. Click in the field with the inscription "Load".
6. Further in the opened window it is necessary to select that folder in which you wish to save the file. As soon as it is completely loaded on the computer, close all active applications and browsers, and then start the Flash Player installer. Everything will be made automatically, your participation will not be required. All process will not take a lot of time, literally in a minute you will be able to start the necessary browser again and to open the required applications.