Basis practically of all web is html. Without knowing what is tags and as any given tag works, it is difficult to imagine that the person will be able successfully to seize Perl, PHP, ASP and other web technologies. Therefore it is very important to gain strong knowledge of the HTML language.
Presently there are designers for creation of the websites, which allow to design the web project in the WYSIWYG mode (that you see, receive).
Really, it is possible to change design of the website in the visual mode, and at once to evaluate result. It is simple to add the text too - enough it simply to print, select a necessary font, the size and other attributes. In the same way the situation and with an insert of images is.
Why then to study html? What it in general it?
HTML is language of a hypertext marking of documents. And it is absolutely necessary for you at least in two cases:
1. You want to refuse use of the designer of the websites as you wish to do everything independently completely.
2. You decided to learn web programming language.
Both in the first, and in the second case not to do you without knowledge of HTML. In the second case you need this knowledge as they are basic for learning languages of web programming.
Stock up with patience. It hardly the most important thing in training. Remember that first at you it will hardly turn out.
The theory needs to be known as without a clear understanding as any given language design works, you will hardly be able to design the full-fledged websites. But much more important thing is a practice. Having gained any knowledge in the field of html, at once put them into practice. You do not look at design of pages, you look at their functionality, at how what you applied works. Remember that in different browsers written by you can differ in functionality slightly. If something does not work as it was expected, try to open a page in other observer.
Divide all tags conditionally into 2 categories: office and content. While the first are used only in the office purposes, by means of tags of the second category all contents of your web pages are formed. Such division will help you to understand better structure of language and also to separate one from another.
You do not spend any day without study. Regularity of classes - the key to success. You can find new information, or put it into practice. The main thing is to do this every day.
Studying thus, consulting in training activity on the different websites and forums, you will surely come to success. But you remember that learning html is only a small top of a huge iceberg. Ahead of CSS, Javascript, then web programming languages. Therefore strong knowledge of html will become guarantee of further successful training in art of web.