How to learn the id of VKontakte

How to learn the id of VKontakte

Digital Hits: 70

The social network "VKontakte" enjoys wide popularity. At the moment in it more than 250 million users are registered, each of which possesses separate id.


1. The unique digital identifier, or id is automatically assigned to the new user of social network "VKontakte" at the time of registration. It corresponds to the sequence number of the created account on the website.

2. To learn your id, first of all, log in your account in social network "VKontakte". For this purpose on the homepage the website enter your login and the password. After that press the Enter button. Before you your news feed consisting generally from publications on walls of your friends on social network will open. At the left on the page of the website you will see the task menu. Select the My Page item and click it with the left mouse button. So you will appear on a tab with your personal data.

3. Look at the e-mail address specified in an address bar of your browser. Its first part should look as follows: "". Further usually several digits follow. They are your id of VKontakte.

4. The page address on social network can be changed. For example, after an obligatory part of "" it is possible to enter Latin letters your surname and initials or to pick up a phrase which, in your opinion, can be associated with you or your page of VKontakte. The new alphabetic identifier should be unique since the functionality of the website will not allow to save the new address of the page if it is already used by other user. Therefore often verbal code does not manage to be thought up from the first. After change of id your page will be available both on new, and on the old e-mail address.

5. If you changed the address of your page earlier, and now your id is not visible in an address bar, you can learn your unique identifier in a different way. At the left in the menu of your account select the My Settings item and click it with the left mouse button. In the General tab find the subheading in the opened window "The address of your page". In the line "Page number" several digits will be specified. They are permanent id of your account on social network "VKontakte".

6. Knowing the identification number, you can send to friends direct references to your page VKontakte. So your acquaintances will not be forced to look for you by name. It is especially relevant for users whose name on social network does not correspond to the present data or for people with widespread surnames since it will be difficult to find them among many people with the same names.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
