Until recently everyone who wished to listen to the favourite song on the computer faced the choice: either to buy, or to download from the piracy website. Now there was the third option: listen legally in the online mode on the special website.
1. Install the latest version of the Adobe Flash Player package. There are versions of this program intended both for Linux and for Windows. The page for its downloading is located at the following address: http://www.adobe.com/go/getflash/. You can pass this step if your browser is compatible to HTML5, and the website selected by you for listening of music in the online mode supports such browsers.
2. Find the websites allowing to listen legally to music in the online mode. For example, Yandex concerns those ". Music" and also some of official resources of bands and performers. On the last the choice of tracks is much less, but quite often them it is possible and both to download, and to listen directly on the website.
3. If just to come on almost any of such websites, you, most likely, will not hear a sound. On "Yandex. To music", for example, you will see the phrase which is directly reporting to you that "The player is silent". That to hear something, at first select the song, the author or the performer (if more than one are presented on their resource) or an album.
4. If you want to hear a certain song, enter its name into the search string which is available on the website. In the same way it is possible to find the author, the performer or an album. If they are presented on a resource, you will see them in the list of search results. Select from them desirable, start playback, and music will be heard.
5. If you cannot decide on what exactly to listen to, turn on on the website the filter on an era, a genre or that and another at the same time. On different resources it becomes differently. Your circle of search it is considerable to decrease, and you without effort will find works to the taste.
6. If you do not want to switch tracks manually, select not a certain work, but a certain album, the author or the performer. Start playback of the first track, and then all other tracks from the list will be automatically lost in turn.
7. To listen in the automatic mode of the work of different genres, authors or performers, use the function of drawing up playlists or the accidental choice of tracks which is available on some websites from all list.