Many owners of cash cards have a fine possibility of commission of operations with cash which is available on the card, without leaving the apartment. You need to have only the computer with Internet access and to go registration in the system of bank.
It is required to you
- - computer with Internet access;
- - cash card;
- - registration number of the bank client.
1. Many banks, especially large, have online services which allow clients to exercise remote control of bank accounts. It is possible to find such service, having gathered in a search line of the browser used by you expression "bank client" or "client bank" and also the name of your bank.
2. Download bank client if that is not available for you on the computer yet, and install it, following advice of the installation wizard. Undergo registration procedure. Consider: in some banking institutions the user identification resembles by means of special devices – the scanner of fingerprints or an electronic key. And you can receive them when process the relevant documents.
3. However in most cases similar devices are not used. It is rather simple to install the program, to start it, in the opened window to enter your identification data (as a rule, it is number of your cash card either the registration number, or Internet Banking ID given to the user after registration).
4. Having successfully entered data, you will get on the page with the offer to enter data of type of date of your birth, code CVV or other data – here everything depends on that what services of bank you use. Having entered these data, you will be able to get access to your virtual bank personal account.
5. You can browse information of your personal account, make independent payments. However it is necessary to realize that the more at you opportunities, the more you risk if suddenly strangers get access to your account. When signing the contract on rendering services of a system of Internet banking surely be interested in a safety issue. So, it is very convenient and safe to use confirmation of operations with the account through SMS.
6. Try to change time in, say, month the password to your account. And from someone else's computers, for example, from an Internet cafe, you do not log into the system of Internet banking. And on the Internet try not to pay purchases by means of the cash card. For these purposes it is better to get its virtual analog.